Saturday, February 6, 2010


Hello Visitors,

We are so glad that you stopped by. It's nice to see you. Soon, this site will have available the best Stations of the Cross Apps in existence. It will truly be an awesome application, allowing you to observe the Stations of the Cross via the iPhone, iPod, and the upcoming new and elegant presentation device from Apple Corp., the iPad.

Station 8: Jesus Christ Meets the Women of Jerusalem

With the help of the app, you will be able to observe the Stations at your leisure, wherever you take your gorgeous device: In the park, on vacation, away in the mountains with your loved one, with your whole family at the beach, or by yourself on a spiritual retreat. Anywhere. And, if your church does not already have the Stations, just pull out your "i" device inside the church and use the app as a visual aid to help you meditate on the suffering of Jesus Christ as he carries the cross to his sorrowful but ultimately glorious destination.

You will be able to have the Stations with you, and meditate on Christ's suffering, at any time.

I have been told that looking at some of the pictures, especially at one of His painful falls, brings tears to people's eyes. This is the depth of emotion that we are helped to feel for the sacrifice that He took on Himself, for us sinners.

The Stations of the Cross app will so easy to use, so elegant in design, and so smooth in operation, that you will be tempted to pull it out and just look at the beautifully-designed images, going from picture to pictures of Jesus's Passion, all especially designed for the app. You will also be able to read the accompanying official prayers in the right order, as well as reading up on the history of this popular observance that was developed by the people, common folk like you and I. It's a people's meditation, and a beautiful one.

We are currently engaged in finishing it up, but above is one image. We hope to have the app available in Apple's App Store in time for the Easter Sunrise Service on top of Mt. Rubidoux, Riverside, during Holy Week in April, a time when more of the devout make the spiritual pilgrimage with the the Stations of the Cross.

Please check back for the release date. Thank you.

Cheers, John Dingler and Enoch Hwang, The Stations of the Cross development and design team.